Ruth Haas-Castro

Haas-CastroResearch Fishery Biologist, Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Research
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries

Primary Interests:
Ruth Haas-Castro’s work is focused on image analysis, database and aging, life history interpretation, and rearing history (hatchery or naturally reared) of salmonines.

Sheehan TF, Coyne J, Davis GD, Deschamps D, Haas-Castro R, Quinn P, Vaughn L, Nygaard R, Bradbury IR, Robertson MJ, Maoileidigh NO, Carr J 2021 The International Sampling Program: Continent of Origin and Biological Characteristics of Atlantic Salmon Collected at West Greenland in 2019  CRD 21-08: 63 p.

Barajas MF, Sheehan TF, Haas-Castro RE, Ellingson B, Mills KE. 2021 Retrospective analysis of marine growth and relationships to return rates of Penobscot River Atlantic salmon  Can J Fish Aquat Sci

Tillotson MD, Sheehan TF, Ellingson B, Haas-Castro RE, Maxime Olmos M, Mills KE. 2021  Non-stationary effects of growth on the survival of North American Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) ICES J Mar Sci

Friedland KD, Haas RE, Sheehan TF 1996 Post-smolt growth, maturation, and survival of two stocks of Atlantic salmon Fish Bull 94(4): 654-663

Friedland KD, Haas RE 1996 Marine post-smolt growth and age at maturity of Atlantic salmon  J Fish Biol 48: 1-15